patch 0.1.2

update #2: 

alright, this might be the final update for a while unless new bugs pop up (or i forgot abt existing ones). 

soooo, here's what was updated: 

  • TALK TO MELANIE is a new valid command, & TALK is now synonymous to TALK TO [character]. 
  • the microwave glitch where it froze has been remedied
  • due to popular opinion (and common sense if we're being real), TINY is now equal to TINY BOX, along with all the other boxes
  • i added some prompts for if someone decides to deliver an empty box instead of its contents, which i felt was confusing beforehand.
  • i don't have it everywhere in the game, but HINT will return a hint when you're in the forest region, and entering HELP or LEAVE will return you into the post office so you don't get stuck in the forest. 
  • finally, and perhaps most importantly, X/EXAMINE/LOOK/LOOK AROUND is now a valid command :) (it might be a little spotty on when it works for specific items, but it works for all places and some things in the locations (eg fridge, microwave for the kitchen). 
once again, thank you so so much for taking the time to play and help me with bugs, this is my first finished game & i don't have a lot of access to testers so y'all are a lifesaver :)

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62 days ago

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